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Wolf tracks a week old were numerous on the ice at the south end of Mountain lake, but no fresh tracks were seen. A few fox & many wild cat tracks were seen and two otter had chased each other for several miles along the creek. A few old deer tracks were seen in one of the swamps but no fresh tracks.
Beaver were numerous in several places where they had dams & houses along the creeks. They are said to be common in most of the lakes too. Photographed one dam & pond & found maples & alders cut for food & building material. There are very few willows or aspens where the beaver are. Porcupine tracks were seen & numerous gnawed birches & maples, & one porcupine was shot from a tall hemlock from which numerous small branches had been cut. She contained one large embryo that would have been born in about a week. It was the size of a red squirrel, well haired & eyes open.
Shot a varying hare & scared another into the creek where he got thoroughly soaked before he could get up the steep snow bank on other side.