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[[underline]] April 6 - [[/underline]] slept comfortably in our bunk & were undisturbed save by the gnawing of a porcupine on the side of the cabin when some old & probably salty boards had been nailed up. I was expecting it but Murry thought it was burglars. The old meat block has been gnawed down 2 or 3 inches on top.
Got breakfast by lantern light & started at quarter to 6 through this timber & along the lake shore above the Pictured Rocks to Mosquito Bay where there is another lumber camp not yet deserted. 
Then crossed Mosquito Co. & on to Chappel Lake, when sandstone cliffs along each side afford good breeding grounds for wolves. Followed along the lines of these cliffs on both sides & found old wolf tracks in most of the caves but no dens. Found lots of old tracks on the lake & one dead deer nearly eaten up. In the woods found two wolf tracks following deer tracks in the swamps & deer yards & on our return cross tracks of 3 wolves going through the woods toward another deer yard.