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and tells dialect stories. Was very fond of W.H. Drummond who has often been at his camp & who dedicated his book, Johnnie [[Corrogrot?]] to Mr. White. In the guests register at the camp Mr. Drummond had written several of his delightful poems in the French Canadian dialect.
Mr. White says that when he came here 60 years ago there were plenty of [[underline]] Moose [[/underline]] and [[underline]] caribou [[/underline]] but no [[underline]] elk [[/underline]] and no [[underline]] deer [[/underline]] in winter. The [[underline]] deer [[/underline]] came up in summer & all went south before the heavy snows & Mr. Jopling also says the deer were shot in great numbers only a few years ago as they migrated southward in the fall, hunters surely taking stands where the deer passed. It is only since the country to the south has settled up & the railroads have been fenced that the deer stay up here in the deep snow