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Hay & grain seem to be principal crops. Ground very stumpy, old pine, Rhus glabra & Phraguintes first seen.
Meadowlarks & robins seen, sparrow hawk & red tail.
[[underlined]] [[strikethrough]] Brookport [[/strikethrough]] [[Brown?]] [[/underlined]] - grass starting a little, warm & dry. Very little pine, still some old stumps. Bur oaks more common, [[Butter?]] farms.
[[underlined]] Pine City [[/underlined]] - White oak, white oak, bur oak, [[sumach?]] common. A few butternut seen. Some old white pines. First cornfield seen, big [[shocbox?]] Elms, birds, aspen, tamarack, alders & willows common, mainly on low ground or in swamps. Last pines seen at Pine City - [[insertion]] First squirrels nest seen. [[/insertion]] Pine Transition beyond.
[[underlined]] Rush City [[/underlined]] - Good farming country & mostly settled. First boxelder seen, grass starting, cattle in pastures.
[[underlined]] Harris [[/underlined]] - first Geomys hills, Jack oaks abundant.