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This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Lordsburg. June 2 [[/underlined]]
Covillea  abn
Prosopis glandulosa  com
Koeberlinia  " [[ditto for: com]]
Ephedra " [[ditto for: com]]
Tessaria glutinosa ?  " [[ditto for: com]]
Condalea  " [[ditto for: com]]
Rhus microphyla  " [[ditto for: com]]
Prosopis pubescens in washes
Lysium andersoni  com
" [[ditto for: Lysium]] pallida  a few
Opuntia schotti  com 
" [[ditto for: Opuntia]] lepticaulis  " [[ditto for: com]]
" [[ditto for: Opuntia]] englemani a few
" [[ditto for: Opuntia]] purple pads, few open com
" [[ditto for: Opuntia]]  brown spines  com
Echinocactus wislizeni on ridges
Mammillaria 1 big flat
Agave  big, a few
Daslerian  on hills, a few
Yucca radiosa  abn
" [[ditto for: Yucca]] baccata  a few
[[strikethrough]] Acacia [[/strikethrough]] Mimosa roemeriana ?  com
Atriples senescens  " [[ditto for: com]]
Fouqueria  on hills [[ditto for: com]]
Parkensonia aculeata, in yards
Chilopsis  along streams

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Lordsburg [[/underlined]] Sept 3 P.M.
[[underlined]] June 2 [[/underlined]] - 4475
All level to Summit & all Lower Sonoran
[[underlined]] Summit [[/underlined]]  4475
Down grade to Gila
[[underlined]] Duncan [[/underlined]]  3850
Barley  ripe or nearly
Alfalfa some cut & stacked
Populus fremonti  abn big
Corn  16 in high
potatoes  1 foot high
Cabbage, turnips, onions being gathered

Tessaria borealis abn along river
Atriplex  big bush " " [[dittos for: along river]]
Prosopis glandulosa in full flower
Tessaria microfolia ? common several
Chilopsis  in full flower
Salix nigra  a few
Artemisia filifolia  com.
Acacea roemeriana ? abn. in flower
Celtis.  in gulches
Bigelovia canescens big, on flats

[[underlined]] Guthrie [[/underlined]] 3650
Clifton 3700

Transcription Notes:
Checked species names but kept Vernon's spelling. Covillea = Cevallia? Also pretty sure Daslerian = Dasylrion -@meg_shuler (@siobhanleachman) - think it is Tessaria microfolia and am pretty sure the words after those are "common several" Also thinking [[Lysaria?]] Vernone might possibly mean Listera? - @siobhanleachman Ah! It is TESSARIA borealis! Also the mystery place is Duncan, Arizona. Should be good to go now! -@meg_shuler