Viewing page 15 of 58

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

[[underlined]] Tucson [[/underlined]]
Zenaidura  a few
Buteo calurus  1
Cathartes aura
Falco sparvereus on Giant cactus
Tyrannus vociferus
Sayoris saya  & nest
Pyroceiphalus  1 [[female symbol]]
Chordeiles texensis 1
Colaptes chrysoides  1
Lanius  a few
Molothrus ater  3
Toxostoma palmeri
" [[ditto for: Toxostoma]] [[strikethrough]] bard [[/strikethrough]]
Heliodites  nests, com.
Mimos leucoptera  " [[ditto for: com]]
Catherpes  on desert [[Lob?]] " [[ditto for: com]]
Carpodacus frontalis  com
Amphispiza bilineata  1
Passer domesticus, H. Brown says ^ [[insertion]] a few [[/insertion]] here.
Progne s. hesperus  2

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Casa Granda Station [[/underlined]] June 7.
Prosopis glandulosa, abn.
in fruit & flower
Covillea  in fruit, abn.
Atreplix  small leaf " [[ditto for: abn.]]
Lycium  low, spiny  " [[ditto for: abn]]
Echinocactus wislizeni  2
Cereus giganteus  1

[[underlined]] In Yards [[/underlined]]
Washingtonia  com
Date palms - bearing " [[ditto for: com]]
Figs  a few
Oleander trees 3 colors
Melia  Umbrella trees  com
Nicotiana glauca  abn
Opuntia  big tuni  com.
Pepper tree, full of berries  abn
Fraxinus  along street, com.
Populus fremonti, evergreen, a few
Pomegranites, full of fruit
Olive trees
Parkinsonia aculeata ?  com.
Prosopis pubescens  2 in yard
Roses  abn.

Transcription Notes:
I'm pretty sure that does say "Heliodites" but I can't figure out what that refers to. (see next page) Several [[?]]s left on this page. -@meg_shuler I managed to get rid of a couple of [[?]] but others are driving me nuts. -@siobhanleachman Managed to get "says" and "yard" &Echinocactus wislizeni but there are still a couple of [[?]] -@siobhanleachman Phil says Opuntia fruit are called Tuna &referred us to so have taken the brackets off tuni. -@siobhanleachman