Viewing page 41 of 58

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

June 24.
[[underline]] San Filipe Valley [[/underline]]
- Lophortyx  com
- Carpodacus  " [[Ditto for: com]]
- Mimos  " [[Ditto for: com]]
- Icterus bullocki  " [[Ditto for: com]]
- Icteria v. longicauda  " [[Ditto for: com]]
- Geococcyx  1
- Lanius  com
- Gaurica lazuli  1
- Corvus  a few
- Euphagus  " [[Ditto for: com]]
- Columba fasciata  9

[[underlined]] East end of Valley [[/underlined]]
- Sayornis saya  com
- Barn owl in hole in bank  1
- Amphispiza bilineata
- Nyctocorax  1

[[underlined]] Banner [[/underlined]]
- Phainpepla  com
- [[Oalortyx?]]  said to be com
Lophortyx vallicola  com

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] San Filipe Valley [[/underlined]]
Crotophytus  - 2700
Cnemidophorys - " [[Ditto for: 2700]]
[[strikethrough]] Populus [[/strikethrough]]

Lepus texensis
" [[Ditto for: Lepus]] auduboni
" [[Ditto for: Lepus]] arizona
Citellis tereticaudus  1
Citellis beecheyi  com
Ammospermophilus leucurus  com

Transcription Notes:
Vernon has used "Gaurica" before in previous project and that's what it looks like to me so I've taken it out of brackets. [[Oalortyx?]] obviously misspelt this word and then wrote over it. Previous species that he's written has "ortyx" in the end is Oreortyx but it doesn't look anything like that. "O??ortyx"? -@siobhanleachman