Viewing page 53 of 58

This transcription has been completed. Contact us with corrections.

Rhamnus tomentosa
Croton californicus
Eremocarpus setigerus
Mimulus glutinosus
Madia elegans
Tecolote thistle

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

[[underlined]] Santa Ana [[/underlined]] & val.
Palms, Phenax, many kinds large
Washingtonia " " [[Dittos for: many kinds]] large
Yucca palms  com. " [[Ditto for: large]]
Cryptomeria  whorled branches
" [[Ditto for: Cryptomeria]]  spiny leaved
Camphor trees abn
Camphor like trees, cup flowers " [[Ditto for: abn]]
Eucalyptus abn big
Pepper trees " " [[Dittos for: abn big]]
Magnolia glauca   com  big.
Acacia trees " [[Ditto for: com]]
Orange  great groves
Lemon " " [[Dittos for: great groves]]
Loquat  com.
Fig, apricott, peach, peas,   " [[Ditto for: com]]
Walnuts  abn.
Poincetta  in town
Papyrus  " [[Ditto for: in town]]
Castor bean abn
Peas, beans, chilies, tomatoes
peanuts, sweet potatoes.  com
Pomegranites full of fruit
Olives  east on hills

Transcription Notes:
Double checked species, kept Vernon's spelling. I think it's ready to complete -@siobhanleachman