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Sun Jan 2Ist.
Lovely day I went out soon after break for walk.  No T all day. He dines with the G's.   Did lots of writing and went to 24 to lunch .. Much Theatre talk.   D there. ResB after and at four thirty Mrs Pomeroy.. Took her to call at the G's and had tea with H. Left in nick of time as I had no sooner got in when the great and lovely Dunn came . No one else and we had delightful too short talk.  We shall meet soon though I hope. Made me pretty lat for the Davison's Anna went up with me and we passed the cathedral a blaze of electric light and crowds . for the new Cardinal Farley. 
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I looked pretty well in new stel blue. Was taken up to the library and there were A.P.A and K .D.  So delicious to see him. again. H.P.D soon appeared more charming than ever. 
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[[underlined]] Wanting me to cruise with them to Cuba etc. new yact. [[/underlined]] Much politic talk of Roosevelt principally.  A.P.A. rather going that way. God late and they walked to car I had Anna of course.    Quite wonderful eve and A promised to come and pose for coat at 3.30 tomo row. after Roosevel lunch.
Mon Jan 22d.
Mrs Pomeroy and I got on well with head.  May reading. Shareefa the book A'P'A' gave me. Idid nothing but rest except answe tels.   Jack in Plym Rest and getting ready for A who came at 3'rt but we had an hour. He bursting  about the lunch and T.R. A charioteer he said . He was pallid and wonderful and told of it all. He wat next to T R and talked for two hours about the Monetary I did as well as I coMld under the circumstances.. He was perfectly dear . about everything.   Nothing more but fatigue. Short walk with Anna in eve on tired feet. Duke and D of Connaught in town.