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Thurs Jan 25gh.
No idea today but the arrival of the D's. Called up and found when boat got in and wanted to ask to go with Arthur L but thought best not. Got Ros and we went off . Way over to Hoboken by H Tunnel. Waited and hour and half in cold place trying to get in to the dock. Did not know we must have ticke
Finally Tom appeared magnificent and literally bore us in. 
We met them all cloming along . Too delighted to see us.
Ern looking superb and A L on hand with the queer sad look behind his eyes. She careless as ever.  ^[[Arthur Ludington]]
Etta stayed with Pater to look after the things and the girl and Ros and A.L. came her to lunch . Great telling for E fr Phil and she had to go in the five train. Etta and Harry to Tom's and E after to the G's to din as I was for Rumseys. 
In there at [[penciled underline]]eight in steel blue[[/underline]]. Wonderful time sat at D.R.'s right and had fine talk. Dutch man I met there before with unpronouncible name at other sid . So intefested in Teddy talk that he followed me in to the drawing room when th men went up stairs. Mrs Mason Davidge and art talk with. Men came down and was having good talk on religion . C and P. with D.R. and a Scotchman when had to go. [[penciled underline]]Found dear Etta [[/underline]] asleep and did not wake her up.
Fri Jan 26th. 
Great excitement of course in the morn , talking of fam things E and I break together. Mrs P and Mr and he saw the portrait and approves. Etta stayed and sat withbus all the morn and tol of lots of small interesting things of travel..  [[penciled underline]]Splendid [[/underline]] as [[penciled underline]] sha never would have done it if we had been alone. [[/underline]]
She went off to lunch with the J's .. zand did not come back ..  No sign of Terence.. Urgent invite from Mrs Reynolds in morn to dine there and did not want much but finally succumbed.  Desperate rush to keep m engagement with Miss Davison to hear B. Herford and got there late Mrs Herter other guest.
snow but stopped on way down to buy tickets for Sumurun for night with Sl. Had hardly got in when John Wilkie.
and was just enjoying when Sl came in rush and full of plans J.W. did not like much. Nice talk when Sl went .. .. Horrid bor getting of to Reynolds and long expensive trip . No good. Dull dinner all wrong but she is a dear.