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Sun Mch 10th. Spent the morn clearing up desk and finishing bills. Jack for a little while. and to 24 to lunch.. H still in bed. Aunt Julia and the girls. Jack came for me and we went to the office and looked at all he samples of cloth Int both because of itself and as the int of the dear boy. Then to station to get my seat. Walk in wind back and thinking of places fo[[r]] him to live. .. He waiting here while I dressed after lying on sofa.. Had a tiny nap and woke to feel him looking at me He took my bag and and made the going easy. Quite a short feeling trip readin Tante. and was met by maid and the carriag[[e]] So luxurious with dear Anne waiti[[n]]g to receive me. Sup with her and John and teling after .. Could not get vH. Comfyroom and pretty good sleep. 1914 Spruce. Mon Mch 11th. Up early and had my break in room and off at nine in carr. To Taws to get can and have it stretched and colors.. All done very quickly as I had orederded stretcher. Down to old Seventh stree. Outside just the same but of course in very changed. Mrs [[Roberss ? Roberts ?]] very understanding and we shall get on.. Got as ready as I could costume amused her very much. Mr Newbold came promptly and I found good pose very soon. and made drawing of head. He likes and it was pretty good. He is not much for loud reading. but will submit. Wonderfully young and vital Says he is 54 but has thick brown hair and other signs of youth. Suit dark blue. in strong light. Mrs R wants me to have lunch there but the carr came and I went back. Had to out again at once which was hard pull in carr to get background which I had to search for at Wans. Horribly tired.. Also had to try to tel H. Lay down and de dear Anne was so anxious to have me go to Opera in eve that she excused me from the dinner party and I only had to be ready at 7.45. so easy as I had a good maid to help. Did not look well though. Rather dull people not very pleased because I had wanted to skip them. Jewells of the Madonna againn and I was delighted to hear it once more. better given too than in N.Y. Snow when we came out back in same bus very comfy. though only chippy people. Slept well.