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Tues Mch 12th.
Pouring but had carr of course.. To Haeseler the photographer first to see about having the pics in Wash done. Then to St. to arrange back ground and have plenty of time to get at painting.. Got on pretty well but too much talk. He very nice. and supporting.. Worked till one and i was well to tumble down to the dining room and have lunch with Mrs R. Off at two, and straight back. Had a good reast and some sleep and was a saint and went to Emma's tea for May in pour. Carr there but walked back. H Tho ron there and a little queer I thought. Sophie and very sweet. also the Oakleys. They are not going to Egypt this year. arr to have them come to see me in eve.
Din and was very good and spent a few moments with m host in his libr after A had to go out. Nice time with the O's who came in spite of pour and to bed right after.

Wed Mch 13th.
Off at nine as usual and straight to Acad to look at May's copy off D Madison. Pretty good Then to Bank and the Arts and crafts to complain of marking of spoons and got three lovly feather fans and my new pin a beauty made by a Boston girl. In spite of all thes errands I had plenty of time to get ready. Much talk and n reading yet but I did forehead. and had a few brilliant moments. felt I could leave in peace. Lunch there and straight home. Dear Anne told me of her coming operatio. I had time for short rest and had panic for fear of missing four train. Got it thougha dn read Bergsons "Laughter" on my way. Pretty ingenious and I believe is right. Very tired when I got home. Took taxi. and found Anna downstai[[rs]] but very welcoming. Jack soon and so eager and happy.
  Din together and to G's after he to read with F while I visited dear H. In bed. Both very sleepy and back here where we spent a little while together. Good to be homw and it is a pretty hard pull.