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Exquisite morning. Mch 14th. had postal fr A.P.A fr Doylestown. Got ready to with Mrs Kremer to see dresses and did see . but very hard to decide . So many things would make good color scheme for her. Whole morning this way winding up by fitting for my own waist. Very ready for god rest but did not get much .. Bells and knocks.. Had to do quite a little writing and dear Jack of course .. Alas his last evening.. Din together and her ..But first to Glenny's .. Sat and smoked a long tim talking of love and marriage .. Then we came down and had a quiet las time together and I went up and helped him pack so amusingly helpless. How I shall miss him. Parted about eleven. Fri. Mch I5th. MVs K came and soon after a nice girl to read though I would rather have had no one for the first.. Got a good drawing though. Wonderful ancestors head and face. Piled up grey hair like powder.. and fine very dark eyebrows. Sympathetic too. Not much rest for dear Jim came , and also my Jack was about sitting by my sofa when Jim came. Jim pretty cheerful about biz. Jack was grateful to me fo wantin to go to the station with him and in taxi in pouring rain we got off . at 3.30 Heaps of bags and a very sentimental appearing party. I stayed with him as l_ng as I could and be back to m appointment with Leila Mechlin. Bunch of violets .. and it is truly hard to let him go .. Better though for he had nothing to do here.There is a chance of his taking the R. Gilder apartment which would be perfect. Sat Mch I6th Had to wait for the dress and could not work on the p. Went out and got cover for lounge. bank shoes etc. a good mornings work. Back late and tired. Good rest and at five Mrs Guerin .. good talk ..till late. To G's to din . Dick Hobart there and he and Fran played.