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drawing room talking busily when we suddenly remembered outside and went out on the balcony.
What a spectacle. I shall never forget it nor when nor where it was. Down down into the dark deep valle[[y?]] with twinkling lights here and there .. A great mountain flank opposite night color. and above the full m moon sailing up in splendor through the deepest richest blue .. Around us gently swaying in warm night air the tops of great trees catching the here and there the tender light of the moon and revealing form as only moonlight can.
We sat for a while and then Ethel B went to bed and J.W. and I leaned long on the rail looking into it and talking of very deep nd sacred things. He spoke of his wife and her sister, and told me thei[[r?]] story..We talked of faith and religion and I told hime my wonderful early experience. At I2 we went up and he took me with a candle to the little boys room, dark and moontouched too, and we looked at their lovely sleeping faces, and then knelt by the window looking into the trees, and listening to the Whippoorwill and breathing the wood odors. 
It was a wonderful time and when I got to bed I lay close to the open window and saw the stars as I slept and waked. 
ˆ[[One of the [[underline]] best [[/underline]] times]]