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Sunday June 2d. 
The sun poured in over the valley just as the moon had done, and they brought my break while I was in my bath, so I got back into bed,and presently a knock introduced the two boys in clean white with a big plate of strawberries and cream.. They were charming, sent by Tante and quite ready to make frie[[nds?]] 
J.W. did not appear at once when I cam downbutI found the boys climbing over their aunt.  I could never express what she is . A complete cripple entirely with out use of her legs from waist down.. Live, intellectual, even gay, and entirely without complaint though a great sufferer. Doing the housekeeping and really bringing up the boys .tho gh J.W. is a perfect father and helper. The boys wanted me to see [[ vertical line on left of page]] their things and we were soon playing Parcheesi and Flag.. J.W. came and said "And he doesnt know that he h the Queen of Hearts sitting right in front of him......Think of my having such as that said to me NOW. We went for a walk and then lunch and I went to rest as I cannot hold out long.A woman came to call[[/ vertical line on left of page]] and there was no more wonder . though J.W. read us his speech for tomorrow night.  And we had much good tal[[k]]
 The balcony again for a short time.. but of course not the boys again. and that was all. Thunder shower so no moon and a great blow. 
MonJune 3d.
Got up early to pack as we left betimes. All at   br break and J.W. very [[strikethrough]]aendn[[/strikethrough]] [atten?]]tive and dear to the boy and me. a disciplined soul. without priggishness or solemnity[[strikethrough]] l [[/strikethrough]].  To station in bus from the door with other men and when we spoke of Europe he be came very serious and stayed so. Train too crowded to sit together and the VanSinderins took possession of me. Sat on window ledge for a time and a few very serious words. Inundergr[[ound]] to station in town and in taxi to door. Nothing special but he very quiet. and I felt something not known for long. Said good bye at door. 
Found much to do at once. Hot. Work at things all day and Anne B in eve. Anna got off for B at one. Anne and I in Gran Park in eve for a while.