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Sat Mch 23d. Woke up feeing very mis and not wanting to get up.. Bath improvCd somewhat and got ready for K. who came promptly and reader. A few changes and got along pretty well but don[['t]] like canvas as well as I wished nor dress nor anything. It is always so when the comp doesnt happen.. Worked on brow and eyes. She very sweet and nice. Shall be quite fond of her. Anna cooked me chop and I hoped to feel able to go to Opera butgave out and called up Fran who took the ticket. Long rest and some sleep but still feeling wretched. Dressed an[[d]] went out and met Fran. To G's .. H on the bed but be ter. While I worked on pic before going out A purple box came. Violets. dear Dunn. Anna in extasies. At seven when I came back from G's called him and finally got ..though another male voice tried to fool me and got left. Very dear and wanting me to dine with him tomorrow.. night. Of course I was only too glad. Somethign to look forward to. Din here with Joan. and reading on lounge after. Antoinette. Sun Mch 24th. Spent morn writing etc.. and went for short turn. Din with girls at 24. and back to rest to be fresh for eve. Rain buB did not matter. Violets very fresh. Dunn came at seven with taxi. looking very beautiful. To the Lafayette Ratyer risque and very gay .. But we had very serious talk. and always so much to say.. I hope I was not too flatteur.. Back in pour and then dear time reading. I introduced him to Geo Herbert and we spent a precious hour on the sofa.. both having had the ex7erience of religion and knowing what it meant.. He stayed till eleven. Such times dont happen often. We also talked a good deal of A.P.A and he made some pretty keen criticisma of him .. They would never like each other. and I almost fear I talked too freely. It would be so hard for ANY one to understand my position. He wished to leave the subject and we soon passed to othere things. I could watch his beautiful smooth black head and white forhead and never tire. He has the LOOK of thought in his actual modelling of his face.