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Wed Mch 27th. 
Wonderful morning and started out early on top of bus for many errangs and picture shows. First to 57th st and soon met Walter Palmer there. Pretty bad lot of pics but if it had not so warm and my furs so heavy would have had a very jolly time jollying with Mr P. We then went off to the Ten Painters. Weir the only good .. others much gone off. To Madison Gallery to see pics of young Weiss. asked to bu Mr Taylor. Then to Of tosee about Mrs Clement and home dead beat. Anna had good lunch for me and the photos of the Wash pics ha come Haeseler.. Pretty good only proofs. QAt last queer little note from Jack . A great effort. The dear boy needs a little neglect.  Don't think he has written to either the Glennys or Gilders a shame. I shall take no responsibility about this. Was resting and finishing Leonora when Ros called and I went in Ditson's motor with Helena. to park .. and tea there after Also later to 24 to din and with H and girls after So good to have her up and actually sewing. Read me a long int letter f from Nannie Sedgwick.   Note from Wilkie saying he was to be at the Guerin's din on Thurs. Wish I could take him to the Fairchilds after. 
Thurs. Mch 28th. 
Rather dark but Kremer came and I got on very well throat and jewel. A green button of mine instead of her pearls. Reast in aft and no one came .. To Guerin's dinner at 730 in scarlet satin. Wilkie there but did not sit by me alas. Came for ard very empresse looking very pale. Delightful time at table between Pres Finley and Guerin.  Fine talk with F. and it was hard to have to leave for the Fairchils party before the men came up. W rushed out and caught me on way up stairs but was not going. Party at Colony club. Durbar moving pictures Wonderful and very pleasant after though not thrilling Welling told me Wilkie was over working Two kinds of business.  Back feeling rather depressed.