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SaT Ap. 6th.
Very warm and wonderful day.. Expecting Mrs K but went out wi[[th]] Fran and Ros to the Flower Market in Union Square. Delicious and I got things for H. and Rumsey. Almost for I52 but refrained. Got back just in time and Mr K came in and was pleased with pic. Did not feel much like work and it dragged somewhat so did not do imortant things. Very blue all day and feeling bereft. Nothing from Dunn. .. Birkheads sent lov[[e]]ly hydrangea and I ruined it by putting it in draught. Climber H and the girls. and dead azalia fr Rumsey. New volume from dear Anne. Arnold Bennett short stories. Immediately thought just the thing to send to W. ..for several reasons. and sen[[t]] Anna off with it and note to Joanna. At five a lift in the form of a wonderful yelow broom plant sweet scented and perfec[[t]] "" A happy Easter" on card. writing a little shaky and pathetic. Pretty bad that it should have had the power to administer peace. but it did.. and I was ga for the rest of the day.
Called up Ros and we sat a long time in Gramercy. till din and I went there. Back early and to see Mrs Glenny whom I found alone and she told me bad news of herself .. which I dont think she should have done .. poor creature. Could not get to slep though I had some pleasant thought and had to ge[[t]] up and read till back got kicks out. .. Read diary and felt that this winter had brought some wonderful things.
  Nice little visit from Jim .. in good spirits.
Easter Sunday AP 7th.
  Exquisite day to begin .. Wrote and did work on Mrs Clement varnishing. .. In to lunch at G's and back to prpare to go to Phil in three reain. No time to rest but Dunn called up and I had dear little talk. just starting on his western trip.
So glad I did not miss this.. Anna accompanied me to train and journey was all right but a cold rain began as we got to West Phil station and I got chilled waiting drearily for Wynne wood train. Har[[r]]y's dear face wyen arrived but we had to go on to Ardmore as there was no hack. I wish it did not seen dreary to me there .. cant think why. The beloved well and happy. Sophie welcoming but we could not go out. Firs and afte[[r]] din they played for me. and H took me to train. 
Alone at I9I4 but comfy.