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AP 26th Fri. [[handwritten]] Aunt Eliza's birthday. [[/handwritten]] Lovely morning.. Was caller by J.L.W. early and wanted for din and spree . Very jolly but could not and arranged for next day.. Very cheerful. KKremer and I got some writing first. [[type over]] Work [[/type over]] on other arm and shoulder. Wish I did not have to stop this.. and break in with Mrs P and Phila. How I do dread it. Good reast after lunch and was wondering how I should get air with my tired legs when chance came to go out with the G's in new motor. Went in there and found Perrine. So nice..We had smooth whirl but I had to make them come home to soon as I had to dress for the Petersons.. Mrs Gottlieb had called up in morn and came for tea at four and we had some talk of Wilkie. ..He will probably go to Europe this summer. In terrible taxi to Petersond. Dr Dana and a Miss Grimes a sc sculptor..and Chas Furguson whose book Religion of Democracy I read long ago. A great talker or rather lecturer and I wanted to suppress him though very clever. Got the floor myself once or twice. Then to Veltin school to hear Gilbert Murray a great event for me. ..All I hoped for and I had a few words with him after. also int to Lady Mary Murray. "The Greek Chorus " Very illuminating to me.. Dr Dana very pleasant next to me. Brought home in their car. Sat Ap 37th. Lovely morning.. Got some writing done first and than Mrs K Working on arm and hand not very good and now must wait quite a while before going on. Finished Dombey. Good rest and in to G's for short time for tea. ..Dressed for the evening with J.L.W. and he came late looking wan and was not in very good spirits. but it was a thrill to see. Off in taxi to Lafayette and had to wait a long while fo for din . At last and so well ordered and good . Dry vermuth se set us both up and we had very long and serious talk. Not likght as I expected . Of course said things I wish I hadnt Back here at II.30 and then till twelve . Showed Uncle Will and told about degrees. Cannot have much of this.