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Ap 28th. Sunday.
Lovely day. Much writing all morn .. and in Gramercy Park before and after din at the G's. Only a little time for rest and to 6.34 train. Pretty tired when got there but glad to go to bed in my nice room. [[ handwritten at 1914 Spruce  ^[[Nie Lewis's?[[/handwritten]]
Mon Ap 29th.
Got on pretty well and feel hopeful of getting on this time so that I wiol have to come only once again.
Rain .. but at four after my rest I went in the carr to the Cathedral to see H Thorons big decoration. Very much impresse
He there with flowers. and very appreciative. Then in carr out to Hospetal to see Anne who was up. John there so we had not much talk. Din with John and the boys and to Witherspoon to the Kneisel concert. Dear Harry met at the door. so deligh[[t]]ful to be with him there. John Ingham came to talk. I had th carr and took it to station.
Tues Ap 30th. ^[[Dentist]]
The dreaded morning .. to Darby at 8.45. He hurt me badly though he said that there was not much to do and that many girls of twenty had not halk such teeth as I.
Good long time to prepare at the studio and got on well. Home rather early and had good rest. Dear Etta cameat four an [[strikethrough]] a [[/strikethrough]]had good talk .. after she left I to see Miss Irwin but out.
Caroline Lewis came at seven and H Touron to din. Quite jolly and not bored though they stayed rather late.

Wed May 1st.
Lovely day but I dont like these annaversaries. Got off to studio and did well. Mr Newbold much pleased. and I like it myself . The knee arrangement had come off better than I feared. .. Had lunc at the L's and at three I5 Mr Newbol[[d]] came in his big car and took me off to his place in Jenkinto[[n?]]
Very lovely place .. Nice Englishwoman and three good lookin children . Saw my portrait of his wife and better than I though[[t]] though very badly hung. Is to be changed.  Autoed me over to Wynnewood to H's where he was working in garden. Took some photos of H. and dined with them . Cant help wor[[r]]ying about the food there though ^[[H]] looks si well. Home alone very tired
^[[ handwritten note]]They had very little to eat [[handwritten note]]