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Tues May I4th.
[[image - vertical line in pencil down left of first paragraph.]] Lovely day but pretty cool. No news yet from G.  In mail cutting from J.W. about the Martin night. Dear Jim here and I could not stand his being in Uncle Wills old overcoat ,poor dear He breaks my heart. I made him take cheque to get another though he was most reluctant.  Mrs Pom and tried to finish head . Don't know wether I have or not. ..
   Not so tired but rest of course after strawberry lunch. 
   Dressed and went down town to Italian Grocery to get wine f for party and got only peppers for hors do.  To Park and ITilfords finally. Also getting splendid new sponge.
 Wrote a good deal and dined alone not going to G's but writing and sleep.  Wish I had Jack now.. 

Wed May I5th. 
A very good day full of hope .. and general niceness. Mrs P. and had along fuss over the eye and other eye but she and May both like it. better than I do.  Rest butnot much .. at four got ready for Mrs Vans and went down alone. Found plea[[s]]ant people at once .. Devannoz poor dear fighting his fate as usual . Was seated betwee a Mr Kent and a young man named Robinson. when the singing began. Was int  in the name of K at once and talked much of this in between,It was quite late when Wilkie appeared .. and he somehow got beside me at once and stayed there... First words very strange .. and terribly reminiscent.. but it was an echo of youth to be in such a place listening to singing with this beside me.. Asked to walk home and did slowly sauntering.. but it was too late to come in . Nothing said of account and rather wasted. I told him the Guerins were coming and he aggreed saying that he was having a great flirtation with Mrs G.  ....... 
   In eve I went in to G's for a while H sitting by fire in in her room and seeming very mis.. I hate it. Thought much in night though a lovely sleep. Relaxed.