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He a terribly ugly and insistant man . She a charmer. We went back to the other house to dine . in a big barren interesting room and after cocktails were extremely jolly  I betwen H Mercer and J. Pennell.  and hard fighting with the latter. It got late and we had to come home in train the P an[[d?]] I . fighting all the way.. Not back till I2. But a wondrous day.

Sunday May 19th.
Out to Wynnewood for a day with my H .. So long before another. Very tired .. They full fo the garden. Himmer and young v violinist to lunch and they played H's trio after Bliss for me .. I to sup and back at nine Jim met and took me to L's.

Mon May 20th.
Got off very early to studio Taws came as directed and I found frame and stands just as I should A great fit. Got the canvas on new stretcher in no time and had the background all going and things on the face before Mr N came. Mrs Roberts staying away. Very hot. Got through the head and all but the background but he is to come again. My beloved came at one tonsee it and approved. A great comfort.  In aft Anne and I went to drive . A wonder through the lovely Wissa hicko[[ry for?]] three hours. Din with them and bed early.

Tues . May 2Ist .
Up earlt and did several chores before the studio.. Got at pic and really finished with a bang .  Had to wind up everything [[strikeover]] J [[/strikeover]] Mr L came and admired greatly . but he dont know. It is to be taken out on Thurs and the children are to see it to
[[bracket in margin in pencil]] morrow. .. Quite a spasm leafing but managed to make a pretty good fit.. Time for rest after lunch and got off in five train to Beth. Not a bad trip and it was swet to find Kitty at station and the cool mountain sid e with my dear sister and all at the end. Kate is there pretty mis but better and Jim and Tom turned up at din. A houseful.. 
I coul n t go to the room .. O the memories but it was better [[/bracket in margin in pencil]]
than I feared.  I slept in Kitty's room next to Etta.
Walked in garden and heard much of Arthur.

Transcription Notes:
^[[?]] = a question mark symbol written in pencil, Not an indication that I did not know what was written