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[[Partially centered]] Sat May 25th.
Perfect morning. Kremer and did arm and elbow and various things . Feeling it getting done now. Rest after lunch and then to Park where I f und H. at 5,30 out to find dear Susie Sedgwick Swann.. a lovely visit she to park too. In to G's to din and eve bu back early to read Christopher in bed.
[[Partially centered]] Sun May 26th.
Wondrous lovely fresh day. But I spent every moment of the morning at my desk and pretty nearly go thr ugh. Lunch down stairs and rest reading. Then more writing dress and Fitchie. Tea and to the park . Met Tita Corrigan and the Judge just outsid looking for rooms. Sat in Park and then went down to see Mrs Van . Found her in and with Mr. Coffin. Stayed till late and good time with her alone. Walked back enjoying speed. and dined alonC in Dining room. Called up Dunn today at twelve and had little talk. P etty nice but dont quite know.
[[Partially centered]] Mon. May 27th.
Expecting Mrs Pom and she came bringing lovely orchids. Went over much ground especially the background.. and got it really done . filing in the background  not at all as I intended. She enthuse also May .. Somehow it isnt exactly my kin of pic.. Worked some after lunch to sign.. Rest and long. Miss Jordan called up and I ahd to let her come at 5.30 Big and cool looking and we went out to the Park and had quite a talk. She is a fine woman.. Imposed on by relatives. Called up G's to go in there but htey were not going to have din so I had it alone here. and went out alone to the Park in moonlight and too much electricity but what it is to go there.Anna had a letter from Bridget wanting to come back  Almost too good to be true.