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Sat July 27th.
Lovely day what a comfort. Break in the e.c and J.W. looking so fresh and happy. Fuss of course and long season in the kitchen with B about all the meals.
  Got Sl and asked him for coffee tonight and lunch on Sunday.  Got off finally to walk and took him through the Rouse woods to sea and the rock of Morni[[?]] joy. He was charmed and we had lovely season on the rock and good talk. Back to bathe Wonderful crisp water and he enjoyed it.
  Good rest after lunch and invited Greenoughs to tea at five Mr Pickering with. Came late and Leila Mechlin. Made me late dressing and was not ready when they all came. Table set in living room for the first time a good plan.  Looked very pretty and we were very gay. though J.W. did not show of[[f ?]] as much as I wanted. Up to loggia and moonlight for coffee and Sl there. waiting. He and A sat apart with Mrs Hall and did not speak with Wilkie.
  A propose our singing "Come and I will sing you[["]] which we did. he holding itwith me.
  Then down to the studio where Mrs Hall played a lot for us. A lying on the bearskin and Sl near his feet  No attention that I coud see to J.W.
  After they left he and I talked long in the e.c moon streaming in. Nice letter fr Gano Dunn.
Sun July 28th.
  Another lovely day .. but I felt a little worried because nothing new to do for J.W.  Finally decided to get auto and go to the "Hut" in the aft Did and felt satisfied. Was sitting up in the sunin the Upper loggia when Mr Fabyan came with Eleanor.
  Delightful visit and J.W. and he liked each other.
  Have promised to go to Buzzards Bay on Tues.
  Bath and Sl to lunch Very charming. and went off well. To his house after but J.W. did not like much.
  Did no go in to R.R. as A was said to be going out. Sory for this.  At 4.45 off in pretty good ca[[r ?]] J.W. May and I. nice run and delightful yo show hi[[m]] tyat place which I want more than ever.
Back at 6.30 and sup by ourselves.. Upperloggia aft and cloudy moon rather chill. Talked late with J.W.