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Mon July 30th
Still good weather and we three had break in e.c. J.W. left soon after .. looking quite regretful I so glad to have had him even if.. I must be a different being from what I ever have been before. I must accept this. He is a real friend.
  Deane came and I wa[[s]] scared for fear of something about the road. Th mas had given him orders to take down my sign.. Woo. I rebelled . Consulted Mr Greenough and spent much time eriting letter. Rain came and I did lots of writitng ..Nothing much else..
  A.P.A no where in sight. Reading Titanic story at rest.. Dark and May and I sup alone. was writing when Sl came. telling ofNarragansett. and J Thomas. who may come here. He is going with us tomor[[r]]ow.
Tue July 3Ist.
  Thought rain and cold but it turned out lovely. Sl wenB early but May and I at I0.I6. Felt very gay Rather hot in B. but not bad and I did all errands Joined Sl and Mr F at the Touraine for lunch . Much fun and holiday feeing. Off in car after long beautiful run down. Both very flatteur to me.
  We went first to Mr F's sister Mrs Thomas who is in the Joseph Jefferson house. Very ugly but full of his paintings and many associations. Thought of dear R.W.G. and all who must have been there.
  Tea there and then through the woods to the Neck where Mr F's placcis. Was charmed with it .. Lonely still waters and exqiusite cedars and pines everywhe[[re]] House low spanish in style around a court.
  Charming two roomed aprtment for May and me. and so delightful to have only we four.
  Long walk over the place full of romance and myste[[r]]y and then a wonderful dinner and talk after ..
Low moon the boathouse. Such beauty.
  Good sleep though some wakeful fof course.
Buzards Bay .. July 3I ..Wed.
  Some rain but clearing and very mild. We had wonderful breaks in our rooms. Such cream .. Then more walking around with Mr F and Sl and talking over touches to be given to the wonderful mosshung pool. Sl wanted to go to Boston Durbar etc but Mr