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F wanted to take us around more through the wood in the car and to Plymouth. Which we did . Great view at Sagamore. and lunch at Plymouth after visiting troutfarm. Off again and to B. where we parted with Mr F but he gave us the car and I did arrands and th[[e]] tailor and we picked up Sl and came all the way in the car. 100 miles about in all that day. Very tire[[d]] Dont want one of m own .. but it was charming. .. I often pinch myself to wonder why. Among other mail note fr J.W. from Boston. M and I collapse. afterv sup. and were glad there was nothing more.
[[strikethrough]] Wed [[/strikethrough]]
Thurs August 1st.
Was painting bookshelves when Cecil turned up .. So glad to see. Looking guant but not ill.
  Sl called up asking me to come to sup .. the Ladds A. Blake was coming and I did not want to but he insisted and she came early and we had a little visit before going in.  A.P.A there and Dr and Mrs L I do not take much to her and dont like  her tone but we were quite gay. Went in to R.R. after lookin[[g]] at medals and she invited me for Sunday. Did not want to but had to accept. .. Back feeling rather glum.
Fri. August 2d.
Horrid to have to go to B for my fitting.
Jim teled fr Bodton Had been taking Kitty to N.E. He came out to see us but I was afflicted that I had to missso much. C.and K and he went in the R car to station which was nice and I did it all as easily as I could. Pretty successful Pong coat and back in 5 train. Sat for a while in the Pub Garden by Pond and was accosted by sort of chauffeur who sat down by me and presently asked me if I was Mrs. Webb.    Back very tired but on way out met A.P.A who jumped into the carriage and asked me if I was goi[[n]]g to the meeting for G day that eve. Persuaded meand I had hasty sup and went with him an[[d]] Mr Patch in his car. Great fun. We were both asked to speak and were cheered. lustily. Were the only summer people there. Old Mr Soames asked for thre[[e]] cheers for Miss Beaux. Splendid sailor boy fr the