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Sun Oct 6th.
Found H Greene had come in the eve. while I was out. Nice to yave him I break in c with them.
Went aVound a little with. Glorious day mild and ex.
I spent the entire mornin doors at desk and writing letter to Times A new one. Lunch out and very Jolly. All resting after and then all a run in Halls car A little more rest and getting ready for the PARTY. A all day going to Grotton with the D's and bringing back Harry Davison. He was late but the W's came and we were very gay I blundered at din about Cigarettes. for which I had to pay. H Davison came in for a moment en route a joy to see him. We all to st bur r he dull. tho I did my best Felt stupid. It is over anyway. I hope A was pleased.
Mon Oct 7th.
Cold. Furnace fire for Mrs R. who came betimes and I was glad to get at it. tho I don't care much for it No news yet fr Wynnewood. but I had two jolly posta[[?]] from Sl and J.B.T. en oroute. No sign fr R.R and I knew there was a party all day there The W's..
In aft I thought I had better go and call on Mrs. Coxe who had come to Sinks. Expected out but no. Found Miss S[[?]] Eck and Julia in drwing room Felt chill at once. Soon voices. A and the W's. Very hectic. A stayed o only a wild moment. But I saw glance exchanged abou[[?]] word fr Sl. She has had a leter an telegram.
I don't understand. Tea and I left soon..
Took walk and met Mr. Harrison. Found Mrs Fenno here and friend. and while we were talking in lr. A came and I did not know Went away.
Tues Oct 9th.
Natale took off screens So nice to be open. Work going on well. I had E ask the Halls to come in in eve, and at 1.30 called up A and asked him to come in and have music. Too late Had accepted Miss S for din. with Coxes. I asked to come in late.
Went to see Mrs Sleeper in aft and took walk alone. They rather early and very jolly and nice only I was watching in vain. A not appear. I saw lights at 10.30 and Anna who went in and said din was not over till nearly ten. Hor id windy night. Don't like things n[[?]]