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Sunday Sept 1st.
Wodrous day and quite early Etta and I got off to walk to Morning joy throught he Raymond woods.
She was happy and it was good to be together alone.
Right after lunch A teled asking us to go to the Mem service for Fishermen. Accept of course though it was beginning to rain . Thornton too we four in his car . He was his dearest and corouched in at our feet when it rained . Poor people standing in rain . halt in town and shaking hands with Patch C. Wonson and other notables. Children walking tin rain . Only to Blynman Bridge where A and I got out and went out to the rail . Caps and Mary Brooks joined us and we sheltered poor old woman in blk with child. A very tender and doing everything with me throwing flowers given by the old woman. ..Spoke to tothers Caps etc an
A was anxious for me to go in to R.R. to see them . 
Would not Saving up and had short rest when we came in . Fire in parlor and pour . Lee McClung did not come till nearly six and we sat by fire with fam . A at 7.30 and I felt very gay. Jolly time . Nothing mentioned then and A wanted us to go to R.R. Too rainy and after he left the others went to bed and we had a chance . He was ready and told me heaps of details about the whole thing . Mc Veagh and his fou hour interview . I was te ribly afraid to hear some thing I did not want but am pretty well sat . 
He slept in st cham. is to go to see A tomor ow morn
Sl gone to N.Y. to join J.T.  C came showing all
Mon Sept 2d.  his things and T Oakley at 12
I did not break with the others and as soon as poss took L.M'C down to the studio for more talk befo he went to R.R. He is a stirling fellow . and so delicate in his treatment of A.  Went off there and I fumed around doing nothing .. Miss Hoyle came for him before eleven and he and A came over together A looking very full and intense but happy.
T had gone off to G. In parlor M.Cwas quite intense in farewell . A looking on.    After they had gone [[handwritten double bracket in left margin from "A lingered" to bottom line of text]] A lingered and came back with me . and we had a few wonderful moments in loggia.  Actually talking of most vital thing . The J.H. affair and Lee M'C . 
Never was nearer.. nor easier.    Had to manage