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Tues Dec 3d.
Mrs S and getting on . Reading good but does not do
do on her face.  Painting and rest all day
Called up by J.W. and asked to dine with him tomor
row. To [[opera]] in eve with C Hecksher . Delightful time Cqruso neve better. La Boheme . She brought me
Wed.Dec 4th.
Painting all morn of course and very int.
Cannot do anything in aft .but rest and read . Nice
lot of books fr dear Anne .L.
At 7.30 ready for J. W and so delightful .
In taxi to Plaza cafe . Awfully good din but I
dont eat much . Do I deceive him.
Back with me and up Talk till II.30.
Thurs Dec 5th.
Painting and rest as yest and not so good of
course after last night.
Etta and Harry Sr for a little while at 2.30 to see
pic . Then to Isaye concery with Fr. and extacy.
All I ever hoped. Back to have more rest and
dress for Parsons din . Only old clothes.
Lovely party The H Sedgwicks . [[A/S overstrike rcher]] Huntington
Dr Valentino.  A Chapin . and Prof Pupin.
I between Dr V and A Huntinton . Fine time.
Zfter as I sat by Mrs H she invited me to dine
there next Mon and go to theatre A.P.A coming.
I demirred at first.  Mis P a dream. od beauty.
Lovely eve.