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Reg 8°/100 l./ns/80 h B. Shimek Iowa City Iowa, U.S.A Prozatim: Praha II Tropcká ulice, č. 14 I patro (u Hejdǔ) Andraea went to Heidelberg from Freiburg. Steinmann is in Bonn, - has been for 8 or 9 yrs. [[underlined]] Radim Kettner [[/underlined]] [[two columns]] [[column 1]] [[underlined]] Wants prints [[/underlined]]: 2 B 3 B 490 B 293 B 499 B 514 B 404 B 45 B [[line]] 2043 3079 2427 2270 2750 [[/column 1]] [[column 2]] [[underlined]] Took slides [[/underlined]] 223 B 442 B 449 48 611 341 41 3466. [[/column 2]] He also wants U.S. Geol. Survey reports, etc., & all papers on Algonquin Silurian Devonian state & national [[end page]] [[start page]] At Cloó Pecelli (near Pecozel, Hungary) want photos: Kollar, Josef. Gozteglagyan. Kowrckse, Josef.