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[[underlined]] July 23, 1914 - Thursday. [[/underlined]]
Left for Halle in a rush at 6:20 a.m., and reached it at 7:25 a.m. We checked our baggage and started for the university, Bertha going with me.
I photographed the old university building, and we then went on to the Botanical Garden. I saw no one about, and while waiting concluded to take some photographs, but was stopped by some factotum or other who had been sent by Karsten himself, after I had taken photos 2 and 23.
Photo 2 shows a very picturesque lily pond with bright Begonia border.
Photo 23 shows the section of an oak felled in 1894. It grew from seed in 1632. A card gives this information: At the time of Westphalia peace it was 15 yrs. old and 8 cm. thick. At the time of