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the founding of the university (1694) it was taking on its 61 [[superscript]] st [[/superscript]] ring and was 24 cm. in diam. At the time of Frederick the Great (7 years' war) it had half its present circumference. On an average it grew per year 4.8 mm. in diameter. In the first 100 years, - 1633 - 1733 - it made a total of 45.5 cm. In the second 100 years, - 1733 - 1833 - it made 54.5 cm. I met Dr. Karsten, and when he found who I was he waived his objection to photography, but I did not attempt any more. Dr. K. is not an agreeable man, and I did not care to accept favors from him. He took me through his building and gave me a rather hurried view of it. He now has 15 candidates for the PhD. degree. Dr. Karsten has a [[end page]] [[start page]] 3 private laboratory, well-equipped, and he has special laboratories for microscopic, physiological, and other work. The laboratories are clean and orderly, but not extravagantly fitted out. I surmise that he is quite cranky about order. The microscopical laboratory is the best. He has a small plant house on the second floor of a small projection, or annex to building. The work of the department seems to be fairly well balanced. The collection room contains jars with fungi, fruits, etc. It is a working set. The same dark room serves for photography and for plant experiments. He also has another dark room. Also a chemical hood. He lives in the Institute. There is a good reference library and a small reading room.