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the latter the surface became rougher. We took dinner at the depot at Naumburg, and left for Jena at 12:45 P.M. We still followed the Salle valley. The bluffs became rougher and much timbered. We reached Jena at 1:38 P.M., and checked our baggage. I went at once to the Botanical Garden. It is quite large and the surface runs up in banks or terraces from the lower flat on which the Botany building stands. It rises west and north. The building is a straggling two-story affair. On the S side it has a tablet bearing this inscription: W. Pringsheim. 1864 - 1868. Dr. Strasburger followed Pringsheim, 1868 - 1881 and Dr. Stahl has been here since 1881. (On the plains of Hungary and Germany windmills are in general use.) [[end page]] [[start page]] 7 I called to see Dr. Stahl but was advised by his assistant that he would not be there for an hour, so I went into the garden to photograph. I took photos 6, 29, 30 (Schleiden's monument [[insertion]] Father of [[morpholozual?]] Botany [[/insertion]], with bust, - 1804 - 1881), 3, 4, and 24. The surface of the garden is varied. The more open part is on the flat, and on its far part are the plant houses. The tallest one is used for storing large plants, palms, etc. in winter. The heavier woods are on higher ground, and the ravine in which the palms are located is especially attractive. I returned to the building and found Dr. Stahl. He is a venerable old man, ^[[insertion]] a bachelor, [[/insertion]] rather small of stature, with a white beard, and is a very keen, kindly man, - one of the old school of scholars. He had been one of ^[[insertion]] the [[/insertion]] students of DeBary, - with Farlow.