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Aquatic plants, such as have roots, are planted in pots and then sunken in water.
The houses are sunken, only the roof projecting, because it is easier to equalize the temperature and moisture.
There is a small cubby hole, or moist chamber, (with glass door?) for storing plants just brought in from the field.
A very damp house is reserved for epiphytes, etc. Experimental work is carried on here and in other houses.
There is a taller house, southwest near the garden house, in which the palms, and other tall plants are stored in winter.
The plant-house space here, as in all these European gardens, seems very large to one accustomed to our modest room.

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Another feature in this (as well as most of the gardens) is the lily ponds. These are good, and several.
The doctor also showed me about in the arboretum part of the garden (northwest) and said that they made no effort to get all the species of trees, as there was not room, but that he tried to get good common types from various parts of the world.
Near the southwest corner of the garden stands the garden house in the upper story of which Goethe often lived during the summer.
A gardener, two assistants, and some women for special work, such as cutting grass, weeding, etc., take care of the garden.
The outlook, especially from the arboretum (higher) part of the garden is fine, and