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the German and Austrian sections which I have visited there seems to be an utter disregard of the ordinary niceties in public places. You are pushed aside at ticket windows, etc., if you tolerate it, and such a thing as politeness seems not to be on the list of usages.
The women here carry "nus[[superscript]] ͝ [[/superscript]]e".
The region continues picturesque to Bebra, where we changed at 3:58 P.M.
We have now passed around the end of the great Thuringian Forest (mountains). From Bebra we followed a river valley for some distance. The slopes in places are rough and timbered. Along this valley they build pretty arched stone bridges of reddish granite(?). Some across the river have several arches.
The country towards Frankfurt is less rough.

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Just before coming to Schlüchtern we passed through a tunnel 10 minutes long. We reached Frankfurt at 7:05 P.M., and put up at a German hotel, - Jilk's place. It rained much today. In the evening, after supper, we took a walk about the city. At Frankfurt we had our first glimpse of the [[strikethrough]] Rhine [[/strikethrough]] Main.
We have received news of ^[[insertion]] a possible [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] declaration of war against Servia, by Austria, and there is much comment everywhere on the possibilities of a general war. The general reports, however, indicate that some settlement will be reached, - an outcome for which the masses of the German people seem to hope.
Everywhere Germans seem to be of the opinion that if a general war breaks out it will be a life and death struggle for Germany.