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narrow ribbon over one shoulder. The colors varied with the fraternity, and the class flags (colors) were also displayed in great variety on the steamer. The men were all scarred more or less, - always on the left cheek, - some being badly disfigured by several scars, - the results of students duels. These duels are fought in the defense particularly of fraternity "honor".
We left at 5:00 P.M., by the steamer
"Lohengrin", for Mainz. It rained again at intervals.
The crowd on the boat was pretty "jolly", - some of them too much so. Some of the women were intoxicated, but men and women kept on adding to their load of beer. When we passed the Loreley rock, the Lorelei was sung by a part of the passengers. Other German

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songs were sung, - with greater or lesser success.
We also found an American artist, - a Mr. Hennings of Chicago, - who was on his way from Coblenz to Mainz. He is quite a companionable fellow.
It was miserably cold all day, - excepting when we climbed Loreleÿ rock(!), - and the return trip was especially bad, since it was late, and rained much of the time. My raincoat did good service.
There has been much war-talk, - it was the one subject of conversation. It doesn't appear to me that many of the people really want war.
We reached Mainz after 9:00 P.M., and had a late supper.
We tried to get the hotel people to call us at 5 o'clock A.M., but they said that was too early, and we compromised on 5:30 A.M.