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[[underlined]] July 27, 1914 - Monday [[/underlined]]
The hotel people again failed to call us, and we had to arouse them to pay our bills and get out. Paul docked them 50 Pfg. each for breakfast, - which we took at the R.R. station. We left at 6:20 A.M. for Heidelberg, via Darmstadt.
The sky is overcast, and the day is cool. The country towards Darmstadt is quite flat, an looks well, with good crops, and quite a lot of fruit. We changed at Darmstadt, leaving at 7:55 A.M.
Near Bickenbach mountains appear at some distance to the left. The opposite side is flat. We travel close to hills on the left, and on the right there is a great cultivated plain.
We reached Heidelberg at 9:38 A.M., -

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and it is raining! Heidelberg is located at the base of the ridge which we had been following.
We checked our baggage, and I started for the Botanical Institute.
I met Dr. Klebs, - a shock-headed (bald in front), bearded (bushy), energetic and interesting man. I had a long, pleasant chat with him concerning xerophytic plants, and I discussed my prairie work. He repeatedly referred to the fact that plants transpire even through the epidermis (cutin).
Dr Klebs ^[[insertion]] wants [[/insertion]] prairie plants, and my papers on the prairies.
He then showed me about.
He has a two-story building, with a small two-story plant-house annex. He has a total of about 150 students, of whom (as is usual in German universities)