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loess, when broken, shows the usual lamination.

[[image - pen diagram of observation site. Yellow loess with no fossils is at the top with fossil loess below. There is a very large calc. nodule below and to the left of the loess areas. A road runs along the base of the bluff to the right of the observation area.]]

Many large nodules are washed away on the road below base of cut 4, and they give the road-surface a bowldery appearance.
On the return I stopped at the Gasthaus zum Sonne, and met the proprietor, who has been in New York twice (a total of 9 years.), and who still expects to go back. He has been here now 8 years, but he says his wife doesn't like it. He introduced me to his neighbors as his [[underlined]] countryman! [[/underlined]] ^[[insertion]] Landsman! [[/insertion]]
From all the conversations which I have heard I judge that the Germans fear

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Russia, rather disregard France, and try to argue themselves into the belief that England has no cause to take part in a war against Germany. There are many soldiers in and about Freiburg, and according to common reports current among the people, many have been moved on towards the boundary (evidently towards Mühlhausen.
I left for Gottenheim at 2:42 P.M., which was reached in a few minutes. I went out on the road which leads up on the ridge,
and just beyond the last house in the village I found a nice bank of loess exposed on the right hand side.
It runs down almost to the level of the road.

[[image - pen diagram of 3 loess layers alongside road. Top layer, (a) "yellow (ashen) loess, about 15 ft. middle layer(c) "4 ft." and lower layer(b) Browner, or deeper yellow, loess, with many fossils. About 6 ft. exposed.