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They hired an Italian with a cart (which they dragged) and paid him 10 Fr. apiece to take them to the Swiss boundary. He left them 38 km. from the boundary, and they had to hire another. Women and children were in the party, and suffered greatly. When we changed at Budějovice I sat with three young Bohemian ladies who were in this party. They were from Prague, and had planned a pleasure trip into France, Switzerland and Italy, with this result.
This young Jew was very helpful to women and elderly persons. He is evidently well-to-do.
From Jihlava to Prague I travelled with a young Jesuit priest who was coming to Prague from Lower Austria. He had taken his doctor's degree at the university this year. I had an interesting conversation with him concerning

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a variety of subjects. He seemed to be quite liberal in his views, and seemed to know that I had been writing for Bohemian papers at home! He remarked that he feared that we had not always had their best representatives come to America.
He told me that one of his brethren had just come from the western part of Switzerland, and that he reported the French cantons in a condition of revolution because they objected to the government policy of blocking the French and thus helping the Germans.
We reached Prague after a trying journey at about 10 PM. A large crowd had remained at Jihlava waiting for the slower "personen-zug", which was to leave later. A great crowd was gathered at the [[?]] nádraží, and there were no street cars!
I took supper at a lunch room on [[?]] [[?]], and then walked to my room with my heavy luggage.
My land-lady came to door, - they had been much disturbed as to my whereabouts.