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in a pretended loyalty. Thus, Dr. Bonček's case is interesting. He was watching recruits on the Václavská square, and remarked: "chudáci". A Jew at once pounced upon him, and finally brought about his arrest for "disloyalty". After some trouble he was released. He was Sviha's attorney in the famous trial.
Our company a number of times expressed fear that someone might indulge in similar tactics here, and distort innocent remarks into "treason". It is said that a man was arrested for springing the widely spread "joke" about the soldiers unblacked boots (they wear russet or yellowish leather) and getting "viks" in Servia. I used the expression "viks" in another connection and was warned to be careful about its use. There is no question that most people here are bitter against war, but they maintain

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a great reserve, and are wondering what will come if, - and especially what the outcome will be so far as this unhappy country is concerned. If only the governing powers had a little sense and knowledge of human nature they could make of these Bohemians the most loyal Austrians in the empire, for there is much distrust of the Russians, and some hatred of Servians, - and they could do this by simply being [[underlined]] just. [[/underlined]]
There has been much fraud (according to common report) in the war-store departments, and officers and supply-houses (in the cases named the latter have a remarkable Semitic aspect) are accused of stealing supplies, or taking advantage of the situation to "squeeze". Where small tradesmen, etc. have done the latter ^[[insertion]] to civilians, [[/insertion]] they have been punished.
On the way to Návolú Dŭm we met Miss Brzobohatá and her old parents. Her two brothers and her prospective husband have all been called. We stopped at Grafs for icecream, & here the presence of a Jew and an incautious remarker caused some fear of trouble.