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[[underlined]] Jan Kollar [[/underlined]]
c.k. professor starovidy slovanské na universitě Videňaké, prěd tim kazatel evang, cirkve slov. v Pesti. var. v Mošovcich due 29 cervence 1793 zemřel ve Vidni due 21 ledna 1852. Jsa živ, v srdci celý národ nosil. Zenřev, žije v srdci národ celého. 

All this is on the S. face, [[insert]] ^ facing building. [[/insert]] The grave is located at the intersection of two of the principal "streets". An arbor-vitae is set out on [[underlined]] each [[/underlined]] side of the foot of the grave. 
The other faces are bare. 

I also visited the grave of Mrs. Humbal-Zemanová. Her monument is the figure of a woman (cement?) with raised face, looking upward. It made a dreary impression on me. It faces north. On the lower part the following inscription appears: 

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Památce Pani J.
Neunavné hracovniei
o povzbuzeni zeny
*9.I.1870 + 23.IV-1906

Navrátil peur se, a po pretrojam pcur navstivil zlaton Husu (k veceri), avsak Americká spolicmost dues scházcla.
Francie a Anglie dues prohlanli ze piu ve stasri válecnein a Rakoriskeim.
Povsciul peur si ze od vypuknuti války jcit muohem rasine nabiduceti k snatku v Nanodui Politiku, - vekdy pinize jcduo?  Toto zdá se byti obycejuy zpusob hledam zevy neb micze.
Veno je vzdy udano.
Po delsc vychaz [[crossed out]] ce [[/crossed out]] prijemnym vecerem pem se odelval do poloje, a k spánku.