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[[underlined]] August 26, 1914 - Wednesday [[/underlined]]
In the forenoon I took Prague photos. - + in K. Vinohrady, - 3, 1, 2, 4, 7, 8, 23, 24, 27, 5, 6, 28, 29.
I met Mr. & Mrs. Hajiček and he informed me that the "Rotterdam" would leave Holland Oct. 3, and that 50 places would be reserved for Americans from Bohemia. (He told me that was the affair worked by Mr. Voska.)
I took dinner and supper at the Temperance Rest., walked to Žižkov, visited with Mr. Mrázek in the evening, and gave him 10 [[underlined]]00 [[/underlined]] K. Also visited Dr. Domin.
On my return to the room I found a note from Mr. Voska saying that we are to leave Friday!
This brought me around with a rush.
I worked at my negatives and notes until late at night, in an effort to further the packing.
Saw Many "nováčky" on streets the last two days on account of second call.

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[[underlined]] August 27, 1914, Thursday [[/underlined]]

Arose early, changed driers, arranged more negatives, called on Mr. Mrázek, secured rest of negatives, and gave Ann 5 [[underlined]] 00 [[/underlined]] K. more. He leaves for home today.
I returned to my room, ate breakfast, and worked at notes, etc.
The day is gloomy, and promises rain.
Mr. Cejka and Mr. Olmer are to call at 8 A.M. and I am waiting. Finally gave up, and called on Dr. Domin.
I then went up town to buy a suitcase (20K) and returned to my room and packed.
There are still more or less doubt as to our going, and walked about the city looking after various ruins matters.
In the evening a number of Americans met upstairs at Glatá Husa, where we had supper. It was announced that we would leave at 4 [[underlined]] 40 [[/underlined]] P.M. tomorrow. I slipped away early and packed late into the night.