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doing the work in the fields in some places, women & children in others. Along here we found flocks of birds, migrating. Most of the country is devoid of birds. War! We reached Leipzig at about 11 AM., and as the train for Magdeburg left at 11[[underline]]07[[/underline]] we were not able to make it on account of the luggage. We at first planned to go to Magdeburg at 2 P.M., and purchased tickets for Magdeburg. After much promiscuous inquiry, which resulted in contradictory information, we decided to rest in Leipzig. I then purchased a ticked to Stendahl, beyond Magdeburg. We had some kickers in the party who were evidently influenced by a "fresh" Dr. Brűhing, a German who speaks Bohemian, and is a member of the faculty of a Cleveland Medical school. We stopped at the Hotel Monopol near the depot.
Mr. Ĉerny and Mrs. Rezels were sick. I did not go about, excepting from hotel to station. Guards everywhere. Wounded soldiers were at station.

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[[underline]] Aug. 30, 1914, Sunday [[/underline]]
We left [[insertion]] Leipzig after an early breakfast[[/insertion]] on a fast train at 5.20 A.M. We were told that the tickets for additional fare on "schnell-zig" could be purchased on the train, but in the morning all but I had to march to one side to get them. I secured mine the night before. It was our intention to go to Stendahl and have the baggage put on again at Magdeburg (to which it had been sent the day before) but at the last moment most of us decided to stop at Magdeburg, and move on with the baggage. Those who elected to go on to Stendahl, and who thus left our party, [[insertion]] ^ Magdeburg [[/insertion]] are the following:

[[underline]] Dr. Brűhing, [[/underline]] (Nĕmer) Cleveland, O.
[[underline]] Alois Masin, [[/underline]] Lorraine, O. Mladik
[[underline]] Fr. Rezábek, [[/underline]] Cleveland, O. Mladik  
[[underline]] Jos. Kohont, [[/underline]] Clifton, N.J. -
[[underline]] Pavlicĕk [[/underline]] a fam [[insertion]] [[underline]] (Agnes) [[/underline]] [[/insertion]] St Paul,  Minn. -
[[underline]] Alois Zrůst, wife & daughter, [[/underline]], Waconia, Minn.  
[[underline]] Jos. Záhotocky, [[/underline]] Chicago. - 2459 So Homan Ave. Chicago.
[[underline]] Mrs. Havelka, [[/underline]] 3017 - - - Chicago.

11 all told.

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