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[[preprinted]]January  WEDNESDAY, 8  1902.[[/preprinted]]
Model did not show up this morning and of course it was the best day we have had for weeks.  Sun out and a clear blue sky.

Got up my nerve and tackled a barber.  Found an American on Boule Mich. with a barber pole about the size of a match  Cut my hair with a razor this is a new one [[underline]]on [[/underline]] me

Louvre this afternoon, things looked nice with a little light Chardin's are beautiful.

Went to the opera comique with Miss Sargent & Mere & youngest sister.  Saw Griselidis scenery in first act was finest ever saw, also dined with them before the show.

Telegram from [[underline]] Mr. Gay [[/underline]] and he wont be in town tomorrow.

Found note from model under my door, says she was ill?
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[[preprinted]]January  THURSDAY, 9  1902.[[/preprinted]]

Not much for light but I've worked all day on Le Papillion  Did the window over this P. M.  Cant make it stay back & the colour is like trying to catch eel brit.  

Another telegram from Mr. Gay and Im to meet him at Hotel Castiglione tomorrow at 1:30 (une heure et demie)

Down to Halls tonight before dinner.

Hoover was in tonight and spent the evening.  Sorry to have him go, as I like him very much.  Goes to the south of France and then to Italy

Got letter tonight from Father & note from Mother.  My official document had evidently not reached him as he calls for help to get the portrait of Dr. Griffiths out of cold storage sometimes known as the customs.  

Much colder tonight & La bon nouveau let my fire out.