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[[preprinted]] January  FRIDAY, 10  1902 [[/preprinted]]
Painted this am. Hustled lunch and went over & met Mr. Gay at Hotel C.  Had to buy a handkerchief on the way over as I forgot to take one as usual.  Found Mr. G. very nice indeed and he said some nice talk about the copy of Phillip III that I made in London.  Seemed to think Norton was a trifle black As I remember London things were a little black? Yes? 

Gay is to send them both to Boston.

Misses Somerville & Power & M. Loud spent evening in my room.  The Irish are all right.

Louvre the P.M. after Gay.  Mr. Gay gave me a [[underline]] good cigar [[/underline]] for which he gets a big mark in the [[strikethrough]] big [[/strikethrough]] good book.  First decent smoke Ive had since Boston.
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[[preprinted]] January  SATURDAY, 11  1902 [[/preprinted]]

Painted A. M. After lunch I went out, met Beaument, found the store where they keep & sell Mussini III & then went through Julius, not knowing what it was till I got out.  Saw two studies by Doucet on the wall some pretty good things on the walls but I think we can do 'em better at Boston under Mr. Tarbell.
 Went after this with Miss Sargent to 76 Rue Blanche to show her Norton & the copy of Velasque's Philip III.  Norton looked better than I thought and Phil about as I expected not much good in day light.
 Then we went into La Trinite It is the swellest church Ive seen so far.  Beautiful inside and very nice facade.
 Evening at home.