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[[preprinted]] January    SUNDAY, 26   1902. [[/preprinted]]
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 Painted this A.M. nice light for a change.  One day more & I'll have to call it done as I go to a new pension tomorrow
P.M. No. 19 Rue du Cherche Midi
 Called on Miss Le Gierse this afternoon, met a southern girl named Cameron & an American from Detroit, an organist who has just been giving some recitals in Buda Pest.
 Spent evening in Miss Harwoods room with the push, had a welsh rarebit to make it seem like home.
 Miss Le Gierse' sister thinks Paris is full of grand painters.  Constant for example Who have we at home?  Ask me.  No schools like the Paris ones in U.S. well there are not many thank Mike.  Lucky for us to
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[[preprinted]] January    MONDAY, 27   1902. [[/preprinted]]
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This is my busy day.  Painted for the last time on the "Papillion" alas that the name should be the best part of it.  Did a terrible hustle for about two hours and half.
 After lunch had a camp meeting in my room & they all helped me pack & at four thirty the "garcon" came for my trunk etc  I paid Madame for two weeks stumbled down the six flights once more and my happy pension days at 36 St Sulpice were o'er.  New Room is very high and makes me think of a Kansas city hotel.  [[underline]] Loud [[/underline]] helped me cherait me stuff  Dined at 70 Rue D'Assas tonight.  Expect they will ask for my trunk pretty soon.  
 "Well" here goes for bed & a try with the feather door mat that goes over my feet.