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[[preprinted]] February    MONDAY, 3   1902. [[/preprinted]]
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 This day got I fooled ay even so, I started for the Louvre & lo it is Monday & there is nothing doing in Paris Monday.
 Tried to get a corduroy coat made at the British tailoring Co. & they wanted about twelve dollars for it, it "Nit Rosey".
 Loud came around with a letter from Hooker. He and his wife are comeing over here in about two weeks.  Here is where I get some tobacco
 Loud & I sat and waited for the Professor for an hour and tomorrow night's the night.  This twice today for me.  It must be April first some where.
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[[preprinted]] February    TUESDAY, 4   1902. [[/preprinted]]
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 To dark to paint this A.M. so I visited the Sculpture galleries.  Hunted up the Salle Michel Auge, expectant and eager and found two there, rest of the room has any old thing in it.
 The two are corkers though the Slaves. Did a little [[underline]] absorbing [[/underline]] in the Painting galleries also.
Louvre again after lunch
 Professor came to night when I didnt expect him. 
 Bum lesson.