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[[preprinted]] February FRIDAY, 21 1902. [[/preprinted]]
Nice day as we have had and it cheers one up a pile. Went over to the Luxembourg this morning and rubbered through the curtain at the Whistler portrait of his mother. Guess they will never be hung as they seem to be in just the same place as usual. 
 Went with Twachtman to see the show at Durand Ruel's again. There are some corkers there. 
 They only want thirty thousand francs for the Degas and Im thinking of buying? 
Short call at no 70 after dinner.
Good night lunch. 
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Paid 40 francs for my corduroy coat & five for new collar on my overcoat.
[[preprinted]] February SATURDAY, 22 1902. [[/preprinted]]
 Got my ring this a.m. which I had mended. Cost two francs & not a bad job.
 Met Twachtman outside as I went out and we did the Luxembourg, after which we visited his studio for several moments. Its alright, with plenty of light & not [[underline]] two [[/underline]] small. Went round to his place & had dinner & we did a hot-foot for the Opera Comique with his sister & Comins.  Saw or rather Orphee
 Met T's mother and saw the kids they are great.  The smallest boy is a beaut