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[[preprinted]] March WEDNESDAY, 5 1902. [[/preprinted]] 
Bought a Holbein drawing this morning for a franc it's a beauty Guess Ill have to get one of the five franc size, cant tell them from the real thing.
Saw a window full of Velasque reproductions, big ones, and one of them, a portrait of a poet looks as if it were painted yesterday. I laughed out loud when I saw it it is so nice, and then looked around to see if any one had [[strikethrough]] cau [[/strikethrough]] caught me.  Say but he can could paint just a few! no? 
 Model didn't show up nor did Twachtman & I went around to his house & found he was very ill will with appendicitis God I hope he dont have to go to the hospital.  Called again tonight and he was in more pain than before.
 Called afterwards at 70 Rue D'Assas.
 Ordered some panels for the box which will be done Saturday.  Nit not in Paris.
 Cost - 50 centimes per
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[[preprinted]] March THURSDAY, 6 1902. [[/preprinted]]
 This is mi-cerem, I remark that they have many holidays in this city Paris.  French lesson this morning instead of tonight afterwards to the Luxembourg where I met Skidmore and Regan with Twachtmans kid brother & sister & Mrs. T. later on.  Alden is very little better. Got some addresses of physicians for him and took em around.  Nothing I can do.
 Miss Sargent is also under the weather.
 Met Hall, went to Bements, to the Parade which was bum and back to 32 Henri Martin to supper Nice supper & very pleasant evening.