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[[preprinted]] May Thursday, 8 1902. 
Ascension Day.

We all 'woke at about four A.M. with belly aches and sick at our stomachs and "digy"
Think we all must have eaten something that poisoned us.
Hall in bed all day. T. & I got up to breakfast & went to the Prado
Got a bunch of letters, one from Mother and the Spanish grammer from Aunt Rebecca.
Card from Hoover.
[[underlined]] Luciens [[/underlined]], T's friend lived just across the street from James Jordan and knew him very well indeed. 
Colder than thunder here today below freezing. Been snowing in the mountains.
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[[preprinted]] May Friday, 9 1902. [[/preprinted]]

Prado all day. Good day but still cold. Twackt. & Hall got cards to copy today Twachtman and I went to hear Signor Dianni sing tonight at "Teatro Lirico" in Circe. He is easily the [[underlined]] one [[/underlined]] in the [[underlined]]  bunch. [[/underlined]] His voice he is a tenor, is very sweet and he uses it well. Duced cold coming home